
Friday, January 11, 2013

My 1st soap recipe!!!

I love YouTube. It has been a great tool to learn about soap making. There is so much to learn from using oils to wooden molds. I am working on mastering scenting my soaps and developing my own recipes. One of my favorite You Tubers is Kimberly of Essential Soaps. She gave a great tutorial on using the Soap Cal. It was just what I needed. I had attempted to do it myself but got no results. After watching her tutorial I was able to confidentially choose my oils based on the qualities I wanted to achieve in my soap.

 Last night I was able to create my 1st recipe using the oils I had available and the Soap Cal. I attempted to scent with 10x orange essential oil from Bramble Berry and Cinnamon spice.  I separating out a cup of my batch and added castor oil and cinnamon. Returned it to the batch and marbled the soap and poured it in a circular motion into the mold. I did the Cold Process Oven process method. The soap bake at 170 for 1 hour.  The heat was tuned off and the soap sat in the oven for 12 hours. I unmolded it and was happy about the look. The soap was smooth and firm. It has beautiful swirls of dark brown spice on a vanilla landscape. Yet the scent was a faint orgrane. I have yet to produce a good scent. I will continue this A-Maine-zing soaping adventure knowing that each batch brings me closer to my perfect batch.

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